Privacy Notice

Richie Turner Associates Limited is the data controller with regard to this personal information, and it is committed to protecting the rights of individuals in line with the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA) and the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Richie Turner Associates Limited has a Data Protection Officer who can be contacted by email: Richie Turner via [email protected]

What information we collect?

Richie Turner Associates Limited collects the following information:

  • Name and Contact details (either email or mobile number)
  • Organisation details (if applicable)
  • Information around a person’s consumer behaviours towards the arts and cultural sectors
  • Bank account details (if you are a contracted supplier or a participant receiving payment for expenses).

Why we collect this information?

Richie Turner Associates Limited has to collect personal data to administer, support, receive payment, keep informed of future opportunities, for reporting purposes to its clients for any commissioned research undertaken.

What is our legal basis for processing?

In processing the personal data of staff, associates and research participants Richie Turner Associates Limited relies upon the following legal basis as appropriate:

For use of personal data for marketing Richie Turner Associates Limited relies upon the consent of its service users. 

To support, administer, report, collect payment Richie Turner Associates Limited processes personal data as it is necessary for the performance of a contract. 

Who are the recipients or categories of recipients?

Where necessary personal information will be shared internally with staff and other associates. Such sharing will be subject to confidentiality protocols and access restrictions.

Personal data may also be disclosed when legally required or where there is a legitimate interest, either for Richie Turner Associates Limited or the data subject, taking into account any prejudice or harm that may be caused to the data subject. 

Richie Turner Associates Limited may also use third party companies as data processors to carry out certain administrative functions on behalf of Richie Turner Associates Limited. If so, a written contract will be put in place to ensure that any personal data disclosed will be held in accordance with the data protection laws.

Transfers to third countries and the safeguards in place

Personal data will be processed within the United Kingdom and EU.

Retention of data

All data held about Richie Turner Associates Limited activities and all personal data will stored securely and appropriately.

This Schedule is reviewed periodically and it serves to determine how long certain information will be retained.

Security of data

Data Protection legislation requires Richie Turner Associates Limited to keep information secure. This means that confidentiality will be respected, and all appropriate measures will be taken to prevent unauthorised access and disclosure. Only members of staff or associates who need access to information will be authorised to do so. Information held in electronic form will be subject to password and other security restrictions., while paper files will be stored in secure areas with controlled access. 

Some processing may be undertaken on Richie Turner Associates Limited behalf by organisations contracted for that purpose. Organisations processing personal data on Richie Turner Associates Limited behalf will be bound by an obligation to process personal data in accordance with Data Protection legislation.

Individual rights

Individual’s have a right to access, to object to the processing, to rectify, to erase, to restrict and to port their personal information.

Any requests or objections should be made in writing to Richie Turner Associates Limited Data Protection Officer:-

Richie Turner Associates Ltd

Startup Stiwdio

University of South Wales

86-88 Adam Street


CF24 2FN
